Teatro de feira: o genuíno popular do público erudito?

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Paula Gomes Magalhães


During the second half of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th century, funfairs and their entertainments were one of the most sought-after manifestations of popular culture in Lisbon. These funfairs were created to amuse the underprivileged classes, yet they were also attended by the uprising bourgeoisie who sought to flaunt there its wealth and status. Among several attractions, theatre was one of the most appreciated. However, this preference was being brushed off from the writings of the elite of that time, mostly fascinated with progress, speed and erudite entertainments. Many depreciated it as popular (in those days meaning a ‘lower entertainment’), thus fleering its conditions and performances, while others praised its uniqueness. This article intends to reanalyse the audience who attended these theatres and to show that, despite the clear division drawn between popular culture and erudite culture, this division was not always real.


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