A dimensão dialógica do exílio em Nostalgia de Andrei Tarkovsky

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Rui Manuel Brás


The condition of exile implies the violent detachment from the origins, a rupture which can be lived in a more or less dramatic way. Forced to leave the fatherland, permanently confronted by instability and the unknown, the exile rethinks the meaning of his/her existence, gives it another direction in order to find some stability that sometimes can only be found in a deeper relationship with what he already knows, namely, his cultural identity. This strengthening of the identity is made in a complex framing where the exile is confronted with the other who hosts him, in a dialogic and contradictory relationship. Taking some sequences of Nostalgia as examples, this article analyzes how Andrei Tarkovsky’s opposition to Western values and the deepening of the links with the cultural origins and of the sense of identity were expressed in his exile films.


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