The biochemistry and artistic studies: a novel integrated approach to the identification of proteinaceous binders in polychrome artifacts

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Irina Crina Anca Sandu
Ana Cecília A. Roque
Štěpánka Kučková
Stephan Schäfer
Ricardo J. Carreira


The paper proposes a novel, integrated approach to the identification and quantification of the organic binders, mainly proteinaceous, as the “invisible” component of polychrome layers in artifacts belonging to movable and immovable cultural heritage. The analytical methodology discussed here will demonstrate the significance and efficiency of biochemical assays for the detection of organic binders and how these tests can improve/complement the already existing techniques, while considering also the costs and time of analysis that commonly limit their application in the current laboratory practice for artworks diagnosis.

Keywords: Biochemical analyses, Organic binders, Identification and quantification, Works of art


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