Preserving contemporary painting: monochrome art and the flat colour surface

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Rosario Llamas Pacheco
Eva Chico Selvi


This investigation intends to present the specific problem that occurs in monochromaticart. It also is meant to address the difficulty in its conservation and restoration.Monochromatic Art is a delicate art since its creation. The aesthetic pleasure of mattesurfaces and the rough, unvarnished finishes are characteristic in converting thesemonochromatic pictures into rather fragile pieces.Due to this, the majority of deterioration will appear on the pictorial surface and this willaffect the overall appearance of the piece. Therefore, the restoration process could modifythe surfaces. That returns us to the principle conflict of monochromatic art: the easydeterioration of the artistic concept.

Keywords: Conservation of paintings, Monochrome art, Contemporary art, Restoration


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