Comparative analysis of techniques and materials on coffered paintings in the north of Portugal

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Rita Rodrigues
Ana Calvo
José Ferrão Afonso
José Carlos Frade


The origins of coffered ceilings go back to the Classic Antiquity; later, it was used in the Italian Renaissance, but it was in the Portuguese panorama that they achieved an artistic uniqueness. This research seeks to overcome the lack of studies regarding the types, forms, themes, techniques and materials used in this type of art in the North of Portugal. The creation of a database for five districts and the subsequent quantification of the results were crucial methodologies to categorize the paintings on coffered ceilings. Through examination and analysis a comparison was made to the techniques and materials of two different case studies from the same author, where differences were found mainly in the preparation layer.

Keywords: Paintings on coffered ceilings, Databases, Themes, Materials and techniques


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