Beginnings of painting on canvas in Portugal. Contributions to its conservation through a material and technical study

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Rita Maltieira
Ana Calvo
Joana Cunha


The tempera painting on canvas consolidates in the Middle Age, assuming different characterics north and south of Europe. The frontal altarpiece of Nossa Senhora do Rosário is one of these few surviving examples. The precarious nature of its pictorial layer advised for further study of these paintings which devaluation originates inadequate interventions that are urgent to correct. A multidisciplinary research, with a multi‑analytical approach and another painting to compare, guided the study. Vísible and invisible photography, OM, SEM‑EDS and μFTIR exams were carried out. The data obtained contribute for the knowledge and preservation of these rare testimonies of earlier Portuguese painting.

Keywords: Canvas, Tempera on canvas, Tüchlein, Sarga, Técnica, Technique, Nossa Senhora do Rosário


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