Material characterization of gilding and painting techniques of a post-byzantine icon

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Maria Oliveira
M. Teresa Crespo
Sónia Costa
Cristina Barrocas Dias
Ana Manhita
Ana Cardoso
Luís Dias
António Candeias


This study aims to identify the materials used in the production of a post-byzantine icon from the Museum of Évora’s collection. The icon, representing the “Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen holding the Holy Cross” was once dated as being from the 10th century. Throughout a multi-analytical approach, combining area exams with spectroscopic techniques, this study tried to confirm its actual chronology. The results obtained revealed that it is most likely an icon from the late 17th or 18th century.

Keywords: Orthodox art, Museum of Évora, Sgraffito, Punch work, Dyes


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