Afro Re-Existence in the School Of Arts

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Rodrigo Zárate Moedano
Bruno Baronnet


This article adopts an ethnographic approach to describe a learning experience aimed at making visible the works of African and Afro-descendant artists among undergraduate Visual Arts students at Universidad Veracruzana (in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico). From a decolonial perspective, an analysis is conducted of how their knowledge has increased in terms of Africa and its diaspora, the contemporary art of African artists, the work of Afro-Mexican artists and the gaps in their education regarding knowledge of the African continent and the history of Afro-descendance in Mexico. Furthermore, an exploration is made of the terms in which they have reflected about how blackness is represented in art, the place occupied by Africa and its diaspora in their education and how they relate to the ethnic category “Afro-descendant” with which, in some cases, singular processes of Afro-Mexican ethnogenesis were triggered.

Keywords: African art, Art education, Intercultural education, Racism, Higher education


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