Introduction: “Is There a Place (Still) For Criticism?”

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Nuno Crespo
Luiz Camillo Osorio
Sabeth Buchmann


The texts presented in this special issue of the JSTA have two ambitions. On the one hand, they try to retake the problem of art criticism in a digital age that significantly transformed the means of exhibition and experimentation of works of art. Together they are an introduction to the task of criticism today, taking into account its genealogy in German theoretical romanticism and its new repertoires in post-colonial theory and infra-structural critique. On the other hand, they aim in recovering the discussion of criticism and the need for its inclusion in contemporary art discussions. 

Keywords: Art criticism, Art theory, Infra-structural critique, Cinema, Contemporary art


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Benjamin, W. (2008). The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Penguin.

Steinberg, L. (1972). Other Criteria: Confrontations with Twentieth-century Art. Oxford University Press

Moten, F. (2019). All that Beauty. Letter Machine Editions.