Art, error, and the interstices of power

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Emilio Vavarella


The artistic use of error has a long history, and this essay attempts to reconstruct the genealogy of the relationship between artists and error. It then goes on to analyze the characteristics of technological error used in art along with the reasons for its appreciation by media artists and media activists. Finally, it contextualizes the practices of media art and media activism taken as exemplars in questions bound to contemporary technological power. The aim of this theoretical trajectory is to understand how error is used, for what purposes, and with what outcomes. Further, its goal is to determine whether and how the current popularity of technological error is bound to a certain relationship with technological power,[1] the characteristics of which are control,[2] regulation, prevention, and normalization.

Keywords: Technological error, Media art, Media Activism, New media, Definitional error, Prepackaged errors, Uncaptured errors, Action networks, Virality


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