A medieval “enigma”: about the ecclesiastical trajectory of the Archbishop of Braga and “Antipope” Gregory VIII, Maurice “Bourdin” (11th-12th centuries)

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Luís Carlos Amaral
Francesco Renzi


The ecclesiastical and political path of the archbishop of Braga and “antipope” Maurício “Burdino” had been long and diversified. In the complex context of both the Roman Church’s affirmation among the powers of Medieval Europe and the reorganization of the Hispanic Church, Maurice’s experience represents a paradigmatic case. The study of its career allows us to reflect on the main problems related to the ecclesiastical institutions and the transformations of European society between the end of the 11th century and the first decades of the 12th century. In this article, we will analyse two specific aspects. First, we will study Maurice’s trajectory as bishop of Coimbra and archbishop of Braga from 1099 onwards and his relations with the Iberian ecclesiastical powers and the Roman Curia. Second, we will analyse the causes of his “unexpected” 1118-election as “antipope” Gregory VIII, supported by Emperor Henry V, in opposition to the Roman pontiffs Gelasius II and Calixtus II.    

Palavras-chave: Maurice, Braga, Hispania, Papacy, Henry V


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