Market and Competition Law Review (M&CLR) is an academic legal journal in English with a double review process published twice a year by Universidade Católica Editora. It focuses on important, current internal market and competition issues and is meant to be a forum of excellence, promoting the scientific debate and gathering therefore high-profile academics, lawyers, judges, civil servants, consultants and regulatory bodies. It intends to promote the legal debate in these areas, allowing a broader understanding and, consequently, a more effective enforcement of the law in these fields.

Authors can submit different types of contributions (see General Information and Call for Papers), but must ensure that the submission is original and has not been previously published or submitted to other journals for consideration, whether printed or electronic, by signing a Declaration of Originality.

M&CLR is an open-access journal.

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Publisher: Universidade Católica Editora - Porto

Biannual journal


Code of Conduct and Publication's Ethics available here


Open Access Policy

The journal offers immediate Open Access to its content (Creative Common CC BY License). Journal allow readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and allow readers to use them for any other lawful purpose.


Copyright and Permissions

The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions and will retain publishing rights without restrictions.


Article Processing Charges

Market and Competition Law Review do not charge any article processing charges (APC), or charge article submission costs.


Plagiarism checker tool

This journal uses Turnitin software as a plagiarism detection tool.