Modulo Bianco a tripla struttura by Vanna Nicolotti: recomposition of the structural unit and aesthetic of a work created with the “cutting technique” on canvas

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Lodovica Picciolli
Lucia Vanghi


Modulo bianco a tripla struttura was made in 1970 by Vanna Nicolotti. The artist, close to the milanese Spatialism of Lucio Fontana, used the technique of cutting canvas in constant search for tridimensionality and geometric perfection through overlapping cut canvases. This technique caused conservation issues and the work wasn’t exposable anymore due its fragility and deterioration. Vanna Nicolotti therefore recommended the substitution of the front canvas or alternatively, as recommended by the conservator-restorer, it was decided to recompose the structural unit taking account of the artist’s poetics. The lacerated parts were reconnected after Agar-Agar gel moistening and by trecker method.

Keywords: Canvas, Monochrome, Conservation, Restoration, Trecker method, Tear mending, Agar-Agar


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