Toward an Artist-Centred AI

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Gordan Kreković
Antonio Pošćić
Dejan Grba


Awareness about the immense impact that artificial intelligence (AI) might have or already has made on the social, economic, political, and cultural realities of our world has become part of the mainstream public discourse. Attributes such as ethical, responsible, or explainable emerge as associative and descriptive nominal references in guidelines that influence perspectives on AI application and development. This paper contextualizes the notions of suitability and desirability of principles, practices, and tools related to the use of AI in the arts. The result is a framework drafted as a set of atomic attributes that summarize the values of AI deemed important for artistic creativity. It was composed by examining the challenges that AI poses to art production, distribution, consumption, and monetization. Considering the differentiating potentials of AI and taking a perspective aside from the purely technical ontology, we argue that artistically pertinent AI should be unexpected, diversified, affordant, and evolvable.

Keywords: AI art, Artificial intelligence, Computational art, Digital art, Generative art


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