The 14 Steps Towards a Wonderful Failure

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Juan Luis Toboso


"Ufffff! So what are we going to do?" ... this is how this film/essay begins. It starts with a conversation between three (maybe more) people in the kitchen of an apartment. The situation seems to be tense, but at the same time, with some charge of emotion. In the upper right edge of the image, we can find an image with the Palestinian flag. Today is November 12, 2023, the armed conflict that began in the city of Gaza a few weeks ago and slowly destroys the city and inhabitants, is still active. This methodology, which is intended to be decidedly anachronistic, in its sense of current against linear narrative time, acts interdependently with the content of each embrace. The unexpected form in which this audiovisual essay manifests itself is entirely related to the form of the project and the content of its non-narrative.

Keywords: Moving images, Manifesto, Queer, Ecology, Failure


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