Case studies in live electronic music preservation: recasting Jorge Peixinho's Harmónicos (1967-1986) and Sax-Blue (1984-1992)

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António de Sousa Dias


We present two examples of technology transfer from analogical to digital systems, in two works of live electroacoustic music by the Portuguese composer Jorge Peixinho (1940-1995), Harmónicos (1967) and Sax-Blue (1982). These works require the use of analogue technology that has become obsolete or difficult to access by the average performer. We think that migration from electronics to software, also referred as recast represents a necessary step to preserve live electroacoustic music. However, this process can pose multiple questions as it also relies on aesthetic considerations. In this case, we put on a considerable effort into understanding both the composer's intentions and the equipment operating mode and we think the solutions proposed are adequate to perform both works. Finally, we discuss some of the questions, solutions and limitations that arose with these recasts and how they can contribute to the sustainability problem concerning these works.


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