A Praça do Martim Moniz e o Mercado de Fusão. Contributos para a análise dos conceitos de cosmpolitismo e cidadania cultural em políticas urbanas

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Matilde Vieira Caldas


The use of complex and often polemic concepts such as multiculturalism, intercultural dialogue, cosmopolitanism and cultural citizenship has been growing in the urban policy debate amongst public institutions in Lisbon. Based on the particular case of the redevelopment of Praça do Martim Moniz this paper aims to understand how these concepts are shaping this debate and how they translate into specific urban policies. Amid these policies, cultural diversity has been often referred as a synonym of cosmopolitanism and regarded as a crucial resource for the city’s global competitive position. However, in the process of internationally promoting the city of Lisbon, it is important to discuss the relations between cultural diversity and the mediation role played by public institutions, gentrification phenomenon and marketing strategies, and question whether these may jeopardize the social dimension implied by the concept of cultural citizenship.

Keywords: Cultural diversity, Cosmopolitanism, Cultural citizenship, Urban policies, Lisbon


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