Inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in higher education: literature contributions in the european context

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Marisa Maia Machado
Paula Coelho Santos
Marilyn Espe-Sherwindt


Higher education is recognized in our society as one of the best avenues for rewarding employment and associated with significant benefits. People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, with limitations in intellectual functioning and Adaptive Behaviour, although aiming to continue their academic life, they are one of the most socially excluded groups, facing prejudice that hinder their access to Higher Education. Based on a narrative literature review it is intended to gain an understanding of the process of inclusion of these students that is taking place in European higher education institutions, from the contributions of the literature. Thus, it aims to (i) describe features of programs operating in Europe; (ii) identify pedagogical methodologies that have facilitated the success of the teaching and learning process; and (iii) identify effects of their participation in programs offered by European institutions. This study shows that, with appropriate methodologies, it is possible to include people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Higher Education. We underline the importance of the positive effects and outcomes of improving employability from these inclusive curriculum initiatives.

Palavras-chave: Inclusão, Ensino superior, Dificuldades intelectuais e desenvolvimentais


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